Administrative Law (K-3003) – December 2023 – Old question paper

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LLB 3rd Semester Examination, December 2023

Administrative Law

Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Write down the causes for growth of Administrative Law.

2. What do you mean by Reasoned Decision?

3. Explain in very brief the essentials of writ of Habeas Corpus.

4. What is the object of writ of prohibition?

5. What is the object of Public Interest Litigation?

Section B 

Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. No one shall be condemned un-heard. Discuss with the help of decided cases.

7. What do you mean by writ of Quo-Warranto? With the help of decided cases discuss the scope of this writ.

8. Discuss constitution, functions and powers of Administrative Tribunal.

Section C

Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to law. In the light of this fact, discuss Doctrine of Rule of Law as propounded by Prof. AV Dicey. How this doctrine is relevant in Indian legal system? Discuss with the help of decided cases.

10. Doctrine of separation of powers speaks about the division of the legislative, executive and judicial functional of government among separate. Discuss this doctrine with the help of decided cases. How this doctrine is implicit in our constitution. Discuss.

11. What do you mean by delegated legislation? Explaion the judicial control over delegated legislation. Refer to decided cases.

12. With the help of decided cases de=iscuss maxim ‘Nemo judex in causa sua’.

13. Discuss critically the powers, functions and role of ombudsman in India.

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