Administrative Law (K-3003) – December 2021 – Old question paper

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LLB 3rd Semester Examination, December 2021

Administrative Law

Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

  1. Habeas Corpus

2. Injunction

3. Judicial Review

4. Inquiry Commission

5. Right to know

Section B 

Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Discuss subordinate legislation.

7. ‘No person shall be judge in his own case’. comment.

8. Discuss a difference between administrative law and constitutional law.

Section C

Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What do you understand by administrative law? Discuss its nature and scope.

10. What is ‘Drait Administratiff’? Discuss its principles.

11. What do you mean by Doctrine of Separation of Power? Discuss.

12. Discuss the parliamentary control over the delegated legislation.


Write a note on ‘Ombudsman’.

13. What do you understand by Natural Justice? Explain the rules of Natural Justice with its exceptions.

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